
What Happens to Child Support if I Get a Raise at Work?

When a couple with children seeks a divorce in California, the final divorce decree will include required child support payments from the higher-earning parent to the lower-earner based on both parents’ incomes and their amount of parenting time. Child support payment orders seek to minimize…

Marriage Dissolution Vs. Divorce in California Differences Explained

When spouses decide to end their marriage, there are usually many questions about the process. During this turbulent time, it helps to understand California’s divorce law, timeline, and process, including the terminology. One of the first questions often involves confusion over terms sometimes used interchangeably….

What is an Amicable Divorce & How Does it Work in California?

Remember when Gwyneth Paltrow announced the “conscious uncoupling” of her marriage with Chris Martin only to be met with much derisive backlash by the media? Since that time, many other couples have discovered the emotional and financial advantages of an amicable divorce. While all divorces…